According to Kress and van Leuween (2006, p. 179), on the left side; it is assumed that my readers have the knowledge on my topic. This is because my target audiences consist of readers who intend to know about issues in publication and design. In addition, the right side is new information. This is to cater my secondary audience which is public who has internet access. Therefore, I had put other credible websites link on the right side of my template such as ABC, BBC and Jakob Nielsen website which my audience could get more information.
According to Nielsen (2006), sub-headings, paragraph and bullet points are the one that users will look to when they scan information. Hence, I had put headings and separate my ideas into paragraph to ease my audience. In order to get attention from my audience, I had included images into the text to ease boredom of my audience. This is because reading on the screen is 25% slower than reading on print (Nielsen, 1997).
Apart from that, I also learn the ethical issue as blogger. Even though there is freedom to voice up through website, blogger shall be sensitive towards cultural context that what they are going to post. It is crucial to think on the readers' perspective as failing to do so will turn down the audience interest or raised their anger (Shriver, 1997, p.439).
Reference List
Kress, G., van Leeuwen, T. 2006, Reading images Chapter 1: The semiotic landscape: language and visual communication, 2nd edn, Reading Images: The grammar of visual design, Routledge, London
Nielsen, J, 1997, “Be Succinct! (writing for the web)”, viewed on 15th June 2009, <>
Nielsen, J 2006, F-Shaped Pattern for Reading Web Content, viewed on 15th June 2009,
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